Most of you already know that 2012 has been an incredible year for me! I've met amazing new people, experienced things I've never had the opportunity to do before and made plans for 2013 that have me on the edge of my seat in excitement as I write. So in resolution I decided what better to do that write a blogpost on the highlights of my year. Sorry if it's a bit too long for your liking but I've included some pictures along the way which will hopefully make it a bit more endurable ;)
I began the year visiting one of my best friends who moved up to Queensland in 2011 (I live in Victoria in case you didn't catch that already). I traveled alone which was a really exciting experience in itself. I gained a lot of independence through that and my parents trust me a lot more. It's been a year now since I last saw her but we're still so close which proves that best friends don't need to be together constantly to always be there for each other, and out of all my friends she is the one I know will never judge me for anything. (Sorry for the horrible mush!)
The school year started after I got back from QLD, and it is safe to say I didn't go into year 11 with the best mindset, I had everything else imaginable on my mind except school! Our year level camp was straight way and was set in the middle of nowhere, which is a place I thoroughly enjoy! (no sarcasm intended) I really love isolated places and the tranquility they offer. But anyway, this camp was promised to hold exhilarating challenges and what not, but previous year 11's had complained endlessly about it so I wasn't that thrilled to be there. Side note* Never go into something expecting it wont be brilliant! If I've learnt anything in 2012 it would be that a positive attitude can get you through anything! This camp was actually the best camp I've ever been on, I was challenged physically and I participated in every challenge, ones that I'd never think of doing! The photo is me and Grace, a girl I became friends with on the camp. We decided to go on the Giant Swing, which is 30m high above a lake. The feeling of letting go and plummeting through the air was so purging. I felt a weight leave my shoulders and I felt like I finally could start afresh.
In April One Direction Infection swept Australia, and before you stop reading thinking this is just another tween blogpost, keep reading there is actually a worthwhile point at the end of this! I'm a fan of the band and so I dedicated months so them. When they came to Melbourne I spent days in the city with one of my best friends trying to meet them. Our best attempts led to us meeting their band accompanists, who by the way are the sweetest guys. While everyone else in Melbourne headed off the the 1D concert on that night we had unfortunately missed out on tickets to the Melbourne concert and erratically purschased tickets to the concert in QLD, 1754 km away. You can bet our parents weren't impressed but we somehow managed to convince my mum to accompany us to brisbane to see the boys perform. It was incredibly great travelling to another state with one of my best friends and the concert was everything we expected, I even got my tweet read out and the boys waved and thanked me. I'm really thankful for the opportunity I had to go to the concert and meet all the amazing people I met through my love for that band, but over the year I've come to realise that I shouldn't need a band or a singer or anyone else to define me. They became to much apart of my life and I revolved around everything they did or said, I still like their music and of course I think they're adorable! But I no longer feel the need to worship them like I did before, and I encourage you all to consider how much time you spend on celebs!
In May I finally got the chance to go on music camp with my school :) I joined the choir very late 2011 and I joined again in 2012 so I was offered a spot on the camp along with other choir members and band members. It was a few days of intense music practice, games and getting to know others. There were kids from year 7-12 there so 12-18 year olds and we all got along like there was no age difference whatsoever. I am blessed to go to a Christian school and it was such an amazing atmosphere at that camp but in particular the friendships formed. On that camp I formed a friendship with the girl I now call my sister (big shoutout Katrina!) The girls I stayed in a cabin with all shared a passion for music and we weren't afraid to talk about God or music or anything, it was so special! On the last night of the camp we gathered for some serious worship, I don't mean sacrifices or anything crazy like that, we just sang together. And it wasn't like school where only a few people sing and if you sing out everyone will stare, we all joined in, and there was something so beautiful and moving about that moment that can only be described if you were there, and I really became closer to God through that. Whew, it's getting a bit deep! While I'm on the topic I'd like to note that choir was definitely a highlight of my year. People always asked me if it was worth it, missing out on gatherings to go to rehearsals, or having to study late at night because practice cut into homework time, and I promise you it was. The group of people in that choir are so bright and sweet and incredibly caring and we all have a friendship that shows when we perform!
When July rolled around it was SO COLD in Australia! Some of you may not believe in but yes it was freezing down in Melbourne and I was itching to get away from the cold weather, being an aussie I prefer the sunshine most definitely! I was lucky enough to be travelling to Fiji with my family in the winter holidays so I avoided most of the rain! :) I've been to Fiji once before in 2010 and this experience was just as lovely. The Fijians are all so open and friendly (something we could all be a little more of!). I got to spend a lot of time chilling with my family which I really cherished because we're all so busy and stressed these days so it was nice to get away and just relax for a bit! The photo I included has no filters, how beautiful is it!!!!
When July rolled around it was SO COLD in Australia! Some of you may not believe in but yes it was freezing down in Melbourne and I was itching to get away from the cold weather, being an aussie I prefer the sunshine most definitely! I was lucky enough to be travelling to Fiji with my family in the winter holidays so I avoided most of the rain! :) I've been to Fiji once before in 2010 and this experience was just as lovely. The Fijians are all so open and friendly (something we could all be a little more of!). I got to spend a lot of time chilling with my family which I really cherished because we're all so busy and stressed these days so it was nice to get away and just relax for a bit! The photo I included has no filters, how beautiful is it!!!!
In August our senior school hockey squad won the Eastern Independant Schools of Melbourne hockey tournament. It was an incredible season for us not only because we won undefeated but we have been competing with each other since the beginning of high school and we're like a family. The older girls instilled a really good mantra into me, to laugh, to live, and to breathe. Think it sounds lame? Think again! It works.
Just the other day three of my closest friends and I booked schoolies for 2013, I can't believe the time has finally come and I only have one year left of school! My life has been so central around school since I can remember and I'm super excited yet nervous for the freedom I'll have when it all ends! Here are my schoolies buddies >>>>
It has truly been an amazing year and I can only hope that 2013 will be just as special. I would like to say a huge thank-you to my family and lastly a massive hug for all my friends especially the new ones I can't wait to see what 2013 holds for us!
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